I Am Andrew Tate (2024)
69 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary | 2024-01-07
Kisah eksplosif tentang kebangkitan, penangkapan, dan kejatuhan Tate. Dari manakah asal mula orang yang paling banyak dicari di Google? Apakah dia ikon berbahaya bagi maskulinitas beracun atau bintang internet yang disalahpahami?
The explosive story of Tate's rise, arrest, and fall. Where did the world's most Googled man spring from? Is he a dangerous icon for toxic masculinity or a misunderstood internet star?
The explosive story of Tate's rise, arrest, and fall. Where did the world's most Googled man spring from? Is he a dangerous icon for toxic masculinity or a misunderstood internet star?
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