I Am Weekender (2023)
56 Minm | | Documentary, Music | 2023-03-11
Wiz's Weekender (1992) adalah film yang lebih dulu, baik dalam bentuk maupun konten. Ini terlibat dengan isu -isu kontemporer bahwa media arus utama sangat ingin sensasional. Akibatnya, itu dicap dengan 18 sertifikat dan dilarang oleh BBC dan ITV, tidak pernah mencapai khalayak yang lebih luas. Selama tiga dekade terakhir, Weekender telah menggelegak tepat di bawah permukaan, mendapatkan status kultus asli dan mempengaruhi jaringan pencipta yang luas. Menjelang pembuat film peringatan ketiga puluh Tabitha Denholm dan Adam Dunlop mewawancarai orang-orang yang terlibat dalam proyek ini. Saya Weekender dibangun di sekitar percakapan itu.
Wiz's Weekender (1992) was a film ahead of its time, both in form and content. It engaged with contemporary issues that mainstream media were eager to sensationalise. Consequently, it was branded with an 18 certificate and banned by both the BBC and ITV, never reaching a wider audience. For the past three decades, Weekender has bubbled just below the surface, gaining genuine cult status and influencing a vast network of creators. In the run-up to its thirtieth anniversary filmmakers Tabitha Denholm and Adam Dunlop interviewed people involved in the project. I Am Weekender is built around those conversations.
Wiz's Weekender (1992) was a film ahead of its time, both in form and content. It engaged with contemporary issues that mainstream media were eager to sensationalise. Consequently, it was branded with an 18 certificate and banned by both the BBC and ITV, never reaching a wider audience. For the past three decades, Weekender has bubbled just below the surface, gaining genuine cult status and influencing a vast network of creators. In the run-up to its thirtieth anniversary filmmakers Tabitha Denholm and Adam Dunlop interviewed people involved in the project. I Am Weekender is built around those conversations.
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