In Search of Bass Reeves (2024)
105 Minm | | Documentary, Western | 2024-02-21
Pada akhir karirnya yang termasyhur, wakil marshal bass reeves AS mungkin merupakan pengacara terkemuka dari Barat Lama. Dia membawa lebih dari 3.000 penjahat ke pengadilan dan bertugas dalam penegakan hukum selama 32 tahun selama rekonstruksi setelah Perang Sipil. Kisahnya adalah salah satu pelarian menuju kebebasan dan bahaya Barat bagi seorang mantan budak yang bangkit untuk menjadi legenda hukum. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami mencari Bass Reeves.
By the end of his illustrious career, Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves may well have been the preeminent lawman of the Old West. He brought upwards of 3,000 outlaws to justice and served in law enforcement for 32 years during Reconstruction after the Civil War. His story is one of an escape to freedom and the dangers of the West for a former slave who rose to become a legend of the law. Join us as we go in search of Bass Reeves.
By the end of his illustrious career, Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves may well have been the preeminent lawman of the Old West. He brought upwards of 3,000 outlaws to justice and served in law enforcement for 32 years during Reconstruction after the Civil War. His story is one of an escape to freedom and the dangers of the West for a former slave who rose to become a legend of the law. Join us as we go in search of Bass Reeves.
Directors: Dana Celeste Robinson
Writer: Dana Celeste Robinson
Starring: Art T Burton, Bill ONeal, John W Ravage
Writer: Dana Celeste Robinson
Starring: Art T Burton, Bill ONeal, John W Ravage
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