Judy Blume Forever (2023)
97 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-01-21
Kejujuran radikal dari buku-buku yang ditulis oleh pionir fiksi dewasa muda, Judy Blume, mengubah cara jutaan pembaca memahami diri mereka sendiri, seksualitas mereka, dan apa artinya tumbuh dewasa, namun juga memicu perlawanan kritis terhadap pelarangan dan penyensoran buku.
The radical honesty of the books by young adult fiction pioneer Judy Blume changed the way millions of readers understood themselves, their sexuality, and what it meant to grow up, but also led to critical battles against book banning and censorship.
The radical honesty of the books by young adult fiction pioneer Judy Blume changed the way millions of readers understood themselves, their sexuality, and what it meant to grow up, but also led to critical battles against book banning and censorship.
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