Jules' and Greg's Wild Swim (2023)
28 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary | 2023-01-01
Aktor Skotlandia Julie Wilson Nimmo dan Greg Hemphill menyelami dunia renang liar, menjelajahi beberapa danau, sungai, dan teluk perairan terbuka paling liar di Skotlandia dengan campervan unik mereka. Mereka menyingkap tabir kabut di hamparan perairan Skotlandia yang belum terpoles dan bertemu dengan beberapa orang inspiratif di sepanjang perjalanan.
Scottish actors Julie Wilson Nimmo and Greg Hemphill take a deep dip into the world of wild swimming, rocking up at some of Scotland’s wildest open-water lochs, rivers and bays in their quirky campervan. They lift the misty veil on Scotland’s unpolished expanses of water and meet some inspirational people along the way.
Scottish actors Julie Wilson Nimmo and Greg Hemphill take a deep dip into the world of wild swimming, rocking up at some of Scotland’s wildest open-water lochs, rivers and bays in their quirky campervan. They lift the misty veil on Scotland’s unpolished expanses of water and meet some inspirational people along the way.
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