Nasty (2024)
104 Minm | Romania | Documentary | 2024-04-16
1972 adalah titik balik dalam karier Ilie Nastase: ia memenangkan AS Terbuka pertamanya, sementara juga mencapai final Wimbledon dan Davis Cup. Bergerak bolak -balik dalam waktu dan menampilkan rekaman arsip yang luar biasa dan wawancara eksklusif dengan atlet -atlet top, film dokumenter ini mengeksplorasi pasang surut Nastase, kontroversi yang mengelilinginya dan dampak abadi yang dimilikinya pada dunia tenis. Lovely, menawan, dan murah hati, namun temperamental, sombong dan cabul, Mr. Nice'n'tasty mengganggu etiket olahraga kuno di tahun 70-an sehingga menjadi bintang rock pemberontak pertamanya.
1972 was a turning point in Ilie Nastase's career: he won his first US Open, while also reaching both Wimbledon and Davis Cup finals. Moving back and forth in time and featuring amazing archive footage and exclusive interviews with top athletes, the documentary explores Nastase's highs and lows, the controversies that surrounded him and the enduring impact he has had on the world of tennis. Lovable, charming and generous, yet temperamental, arrogant and obscene, Mr. Nice'n'Nasty disrupted the old-fashioned etiquette of the sport in the 70s thus becoming its first rebel rock star.
1972 was a turning point in Ilie Nastase's career: he won his first US Open, while also reaching both Wimbledon and Davis Cup finals. Moving back and forth in time and featuring amazing archive footage and exclusive interviews with top athletes, the documentary explores Nastase's highs and lows, the controversies that surrounded him and the enduring impact he has had on the world of tennis. Lovable, charming and generous, yet temperamental, arrogant and obscene, Mr. Nice'n'Nasty disrupted the old-fashioned etiquette of the sport in the 70s thus becoming its first rebel rock star.
Directors: Cristian Pascariu, Tudor Giurgiu, Tudor D Popescu
Writer: Tudor Giurgiu, Cristian Pascariu
Starring: Ilie Nstase, Ion iriac, Jimmy Connors
Writer: Tudor Giurgiu, Cristian Pascariu
Starring: Ilie Nstase, Ion iriac, Jimmy Connors
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