No Accident (2023)
97 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-09-29
Setelah unjuk rasa "Unite the Right" yang mematikan di Charlottesville, Virginia, gugatan perdata diajukan terhadap para pemimpin dan organisasi nasionalis kulit putih atas nama penggugat yang menderita luka-luka saat melakukan protes balik secara damai. Film dokumenter ini mengisahkan persidangan hak-hak sipil yang sangat penting, mengungkap jaringan luas para konspirator dan merinci tantangan dalam meminta pertanggungjawaban para pemimpin dan organisasi tersebut atas tindakan mereka.
In the aftermath of the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a civil lawsuit was filed against white nationalist leaders and organizations on behalf of plaintiffs who suffered injuries while peacefully counterprotesting. This documentary chronicles this seminal civil rights trial, exposing a broad network of conspirators and detailing the challenges of holding those leaders and organizations liable for their actions.
In the aftermath of the deadly "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a civil lawsuit was filed against white nationalist leaders and organizations on behalf of plaintiffs who suffered injuries while peacefully counterprotesting. This documentary chronicles this seminal civil rights trial, exposing a broad network of conspirators and detailing the challenges of holding those leaders and organizations liable for their actions.
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