North Korea: Dark Secrets (2018)
84 Minm | United States of America | Documentary, History | 2018-06-27
Acara spesial berdurasi dua jam ini mengungkap sejarah rumit, politik ekstrem, dan standar masyarakat kaku yang telah menciptakan warisan penindasan internal dan agresi eksternal. Ketika rakyat Korea Utara menderita kelaparan, kamp kerja paksa, dan eksekusi di depan umum, rezim Kim menghabiskan tiga generasi tanpa henti mengejar ambisi nuklir. Mereka beroperasi sebagai sindikat kriminal, menggunakan uang palsu, obat-obatan terlarang, dan spionase dunia maya untuk mendanai mesin perang mereka. Kini, dengan persenjataan yang menyaingi negara-negara adidaya, retorika agresif mereka telah mendorong dunia ke titik krisis.
This two-hour special reveals the complicated history, extreme politic, and rigid societal standards that have created a legacy of internal oppression and external aggression. As the North Korean people suffered famine, labor camp and public executions, the Kim regime spent three generations relentlessly pursuing nuclear ambitions. They operate as a criminal syndicate, using counterfeit money, drugs and cyber espionage to fund their war machine. Now, with weapons rivaling the world’s superpowers, their aggressive rhetoric has pushed the world to a crisis point.
This two-hour special reveals the complicated history, extreme politic, and rigid societal standards that have created a legacy of internal oppression and external aggression. As the North Korean people suffered famine, labor camp and public executions, the Kim regime spent three generations relentlessly pursuing nuclear ambitions. They operate as a criminal syndicate, using counterfeit money, drugs and cyber espionage to fund their war machine. Now, with weapons rivaling the world’s superpowers, their aggressive rhetoric has pushed the world to a crisis point.
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