Operation Arctic Cure (2024)
44 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2024-02-19
Reporter perang Bob Woodruff memimpin para veteran dalam ekspedisi Arktik untuk menguji obat bagi stres dan depresi pasca-trauma: pengalaman kekaguman terhadap alam. Saat mereka melintasi salah satu hutan belantara paling dramatis dan asri di dunia, para peneliti memantau perubahan pada kesejahteraan fisik dan emosional mereka. Mungkinkah ini obat yang selama ini mereka cari?
War reporter Bob Woodruff leads veterans on an Arctic expedition to test a cure for post-traumatic stress and depression: the experience of awe in nature. As they trek across one of the world’s most dramatic and pristine wildernesses, researchers monitor changes to their physical and emotional well-being. Could this be the medicine they’ve been looking for?
War reporter Bob Woodruff leads veterans on an Arctic expedition to test a cure for post-traumatic stress and depression: the experience of awe in nature. As they trek across one of the world’s most dramatic and pristine wildernesses, researchers monitor changes to their physical and emotional well-being. Could this be the medicine they’ve been looking for?
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