Pencils vs Pixels (2023)
72 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-06-15
Sebuah film dokumenter yang menceritakan suara-suara "masa keemasan kedua" animasi pada tahun 1990-an dan 2000-an tentang naik turunnya dan bangkit kembalinya animasi gambar tangan. Mereka dilatih oleh ahli animasi yang menciptakan prinsip-prinsip animasi, mereka membawa animasi ke tingkat yang tidak pernah diimpikan oleh siapa pun - dan kemudian muncullah komputer.
A documentary told from the voices of the "second golden age" of animation in the 1990s and 2000s about the rise, fall and rise again of hand-drawn animation. They were trained by animation masters that created the principles of animation, they took animation to heights no one dreamed of - and then came the computer.
A documentary told from the voices of the "second golden age" of animation in the 1990s and 2000s about the rise, fall and rise again of hand-drawn animation. They were trained by animation masters that created the principles of animation, they took animation to heights no one dreamed of - and then came the computer.
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