Plastic Earth (2023)
100 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-03-13
Produksi plastik di seluruh dunia dari sumber-sumber berbasis fosil terus meningkat dan berkontribusi terhadap perubahan iklim, polusi, dan masalah lingkungan. Para ilmuwan, insinyur, peneliti dan inovator mencari solusi untuk mengatasi kelebihan produksi plastik sekali pakai.
Worldwide plastic production from fossil-based sources continues to rise and contribute to climate change, pollution and environmental issues. Scientists, engineers, researchers and innovators tackle solutions to deal with the over-production of single-use plastics.
Worldwide plastic production from fossil-based sources continues to rise and contribute to climate change, pollution and environmental issues. Scientists, engineers, researchers and innovators tackle solutions to deal with the over-production of single-use plastics.
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