Reinventing Elvis: The 68' Comeback (2023)
110 Minm | | Documentary, Music | 2023-07-30
Pembuatan konser TV langsung Elvis Presley yang terkenal dan kacau di balik layar. Itu adalah acara televisi yang paling banyak ditonton tahun ini dengan hampir setengah dari penonton yang disetel untuk menonton Presley tampil dalam setelan kulit hitam ikoniknya.
The making of Elvis Presley's famous live TV concert and the chaotic behind the scenes. It was the most-watched television event of the year with nearly half of the audience tuned in to watch Presley perform in his iconic black leather suit.
The making of Elvis Presley's famous live TV concert and the chaotic behind the scenes. It was the most-watched television event of the year with nearly half of the audience tuned in to watch Presley perform in his iconic black leather suit.
Directors: John Scheinfeld
Writer: John Scheinfeld
Starring: Elvis Presley, Steve Binder, Darius Rucker
Writer: John Scheinfeld
Starring: Elvis Presley, Steve Binder, Darius Rucker
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