Remembering Gene Wilder (2024)
93 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2024-03-15
Penghargaan yang penuh kasih kepada Gene Wilder ini merayakan kehidupan dan warisannya sebagai jenius komik di balik serangkaian peran film yang luar biasa, dari kolaborasi pertamanya dengan Mel Brooks di 'The Producers', hingga peran judul yang penuh teka-teki dalam 'Willy Wonka dan The Chocolate Factory', hingga kemitraannya yang terinspirasi dengan Richard Pryor dalam film-film seperti 'film-film seperti' film-film seperti 'film-film seperti' film perak '.
This loving tribute to Gene Wilder celebrates his life and legacy as the comic genius behind an extraordinary string of film roles, from his first collaboration with Mel Brooks in 'The Producers', to the enigmatic title role in the original 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory', to his inspired on-screen partnership with Richard Pryor in movies like 'Silver Streak'.
This loving tribute to Gene Wilder celebrates his life and legacy as the comic genius behind an extraordinary string of film roles, from his first collaboration with Mel Brooks in 'The Producers', to the enigmatic title role in the original 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory', to his inspired on-screen partnership with Richard Pryor in movies like 'Silver Streak'.
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