Return of the White Shark (2023)
44 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-07-02
Ratusan hiu putih besar baru-baru ini muncul di depan pintu salah satu tujuan wisata paling populer di Amerika, berburu dengan cara yang belum pernah didokumentasikan sebelumnya. Untuk memahami mengapa hiu ada di sini dan apa dampaknya bagi Cape Cod, tim ilmuwan sedang mempelajari fenomena baru ini untuk mencoba menjaga keselamatan manusia. Apakah hiu mengubah ekosistem alami… atau memulihkannya?
Hundreds of great white sharks have recently appeared on the doorstep of one of America’s most popular tourist destinations, hunting in ways never documented before. To understand why the sharks are here and what this means for Cape Cod, a team of scientists are studying this new phenomenon to try to keep people safe. Are the sharks changing the natural ecosystem … or restoring it?
Hundreds of great white sharks have recently appeared on the doorstep of one of America’s most popular tourist destinations, hunting in ways never documented before. To understand why the sharks are here and what this means for Cape Cod, a team of scientists are studying this new phenomenon to try to keep people safe. Are the sharks changing the natural ecosystem … or restoring it?
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