Right Here Right Now (2023)
90 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary, Music | 2023-02-04
Pada tanggal 13 Juli 2002, Fatboy Slim, bernama asli Norman Cook, menampilkan konser terbuka gratisnya yang kedua, The Big Beach Boutique II, di depan penonton yang memecahkan rekor, membuat sejarah – baik dan buruk. Panitia penyelenggara dan polisi memperkirakan empat puluh ribu orang akan hadir, namun lebih dari seperempat juta orang hadir di Pantai Brighton untuk menyaksikan acara gratis tersebut, sehingga mengubah cara penyelenggaraan acara di Inggris selamanya. Sekarang, 20 tahun kemudian, Norman, dan mereka yang berada di garis depan momen bersejarah seismik ini menjelaskan kepada kita proses dan hambatannya; Kesulitan dan perjuangan besar yang dihadapi polisi setempat dengan jumlah keturunan yang tak terduga di kota tersebut, anggota dewan dan penduduk yang menentang peristiwa kontroversial tersebut dan banyak dari mereka yang berpartisipasi dalam apa yang digambarkan Norman sebagai “momen Woodstock”.
On July 13, 2002, Fatboy Slim, real name Norman Cook, performed the second of his free open-air concerts, The Big Beach Boutique II, in front of a record-breaking crowd, making history – both good and bad. Organisers and police were expecting forty thousand people but more than a quarter of a million turned up on Brighton Beach for the free event, changing the way UK events were run forever. Now, 20 years on, Norman, and those who were on the front line of this seismic historical moment talk us through the process and the obstacles; The immense difficulties and struggles that the local police faced with such an unexpected amount of descendants on the city, the councillors and residents that opposed the controversial event and many of those who participated in what Norman has described as a “Woodstock moment”.
On July 13, 2002, Fatboy Slim, real name Norman Cook, performed the second of his free open-air concerts, The Big Beach Boutique II, in front of a record-breaking crowd, making history – both good and bad. Organisers and police were expecting forty thousand people but more than a quarter of a million turned up on Brighton Beach for the free event, changing the way UK events were run forever. Now, 20 years on, Norman, and those who were on the front line of this seismic historical moment talk us through the process and the obstacles; The immense difficulties and struggles that the local police faced with such an unexpected amount of descendants on the city, the councillors and residents that opposed the controversial event and many of those who participated in what Norman has described as a “Woodstock moment”.
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