Saving Sakic (2024)
48 Minm | | Documentary | 2024-04-16
Sebuah film dokumenter hoki asli dari NHL Productions, masuk ke dalam kisah tentang bagaimana mantan kapten longsor dan eksekutif saat ini hampir meninggalkan tim pada tahun 1997 untuk pergi ke New York Rangers, dan bagaimana pertemuan peristiwa selama satu minggu pada bulan Agustus 1997, termasuk bantuan dari Harrison Ford, menghentikannya untuk terjadi.
An original hockey documentary from NHL Productions, dives into the story of how the former Avalanche captain and current executive almost left the team in 1997 to go to the New York Rangers, and how a confluence of events over the course of one week in August of 1997, including help from Harrison Ford, stopped it from happening.
An original hockey documentary from NHL Productions, dives into the story of how the former Avalanche captain and current executive almost left the team in 1997 to go to the New York Rangers, and how a confluence of events over the course of one week in August of 1997, including help from Harrison Ford, stopped it from happening.
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