Secret Space UFOs: Apollo 1-11 (2023)
105 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-04-04
Fenomena UFO telah tercatat jauh melampaui batas Bumi dengan ratusan penampakan selama misi Apollo 1-11. James Fox, Darcy Weir, Mike Bara dan Richard Dolan mendiskusikan sejarah tersembunyi UFO di luar angkasa dan struktur di Bulan. Sejarah misi Apollo awal NASA ketika para astronot berusaha untuk menginjakkan kaki di bulan dan menjelajah lebih jauh di luar angkasa dibandingkan yang pernah dilakukan manusia sebelumnya.—Darcy Weir
The UFO phenomenon has been recorded far beyond the boundaries of Earth with hundreds of sightings during the Apollo missions 1-11. James Fox, Darcy Weir, Mike Bara and Richard Dolan discuss this hidden history of UFOs in space and structures on the Moon. A history of NASA's early Apollo missions as astronauts endeavor to set foot on the moon and go further in space than any man has before.—Darcy Weir
The UFO phenomenon has been recorded far beyond the boundaries of Earth with hundreds of sightings during the Apollo missions 1-11. James Fox, Darcy Weir, Mike Bara and Richard Dolan discuss this hidden history of UFOs in space and structures on the Moon. A history of NASA's early Apollo missions as astronauts endeavor to set foot on the moon and go further in space than any man has before.—Darcy Weir
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