Shark Below Zero (2023)
44 Minm | United States of America | Documentary, TV Movie | 2023-07-02
Hiu putih telah terlihat di seluruh Kanada hingga ke utara hingga pantai Newfoundland. Setelah dugaan serangan hiu putih pertama di Kanada selama lebih dari 150 tahun, para ahli Greg Skomal, Heather Bowlby, Megan Winton, dan Warren Joyce menyelidiki apa yang mendorong perjalanan hiu putih ke batas paling utara wilayah jelajahnya.
White sharks have been spotted across Canada as far north as the coast of Newfoundland. After the first suspected white shark attack in Canada for over 150 years, experts Greg Skomal, Heather Bowlby, Megan Winton and Warren Joyce investigate what drives white shark’s journey to the northernmost limit of their range.
White sharks have been spotted across Canada as far north as the coast of Newfoundland. After the first suspected white shark attack in Canada for over 150 years, experts Greg Skomal, Heather Bowlby, Megan Winton and Warren Joyce investigate what drives white shark’s journey to the northernmost limit of their range.
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