Silent impulses (2023)
3 Minm | | Documentary | 2023-06-04
Silent Impulses adalah potret dokumenter seorang wanita muda yang secara terbuka berurusan dengan penyimpangan seksual yang tabu. Film ini mengungkapkan dunia batinnya, cara dia berurusan dengan masalah ini dan bagaimana hal itu memengaruhi hubungan dan persepsi tentang dirinya sendiri.
Silent Impulses is a documentary portrait of a young woman who openly deals with taboo sexual deviations. The film reveals her inner world, the way she deals with this issue and how it affects her relationships and perception of herself.
Silent Impulses is a documentary portrait of a young woman who openly deals with taboo sexual deviations. The film reveals her inner world, the way she deals with this issue and how it affects her relationships and perception of herself.
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