Silver Dollar Road (2023)
101 Minm | France, United States of America | Documentary | 2023-10-13
Kisah keluarga Reels yang dengan gagah berani berusaha melindungi tanah yang dibeli keluarga mereka satu generasi setelah perbudakan. Film dokumenter ini, berdasarkan artikel ProPublica tahun 2019, menyoroti cara-cara terselubung yang dieksploitasi oleh sistem hukum untuk menjaga kepemilikan tanah orang kulit hitam tetap rapuh dan kesenjangan kekayaan ras semakin meningkat.
The story of the Reels family who are valiantly attempting to protect the land their family bought one generation after slavery. This documentary, based on the 2019 ProPublica article, highlights the covert ways the legal system has been exploited to keep Black land ownership fragile and the racial wealth gap growing.
The story of the Reels family who are valiantly attempting to protect the land their family bought one generation after slavery. This documentary, based on the 2019 ProPublica article, highlights the covert ways the legal system has been exploited to keep Black land ownership fragile and the racial wealth gap growing.
Directors: Raoul Peck
Writer: Raoul Peck
Starring: Mamie Reels Ellison, Kim Renee Duhon, Nate Ellison
Writer: Raoul Peck
Starring: Mamie Reels Ellison, Kim Renee Duhon, Nate Ellison
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