Simon Reeve's Return to Cornwall (2023)
58 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary | 2023-04-02
Simon Reeve kembali untuk mengunjungi salah satu kabupaten favorit Inggris untuk menemukan seperti apa kehidupan sebenarnya bagi penduduk setempat setelah kerumunan musim panas. Difilmkan ketika krisis energi dan biaya hidup mulai mengambil korban, ini adalah pandangan yang membuka mata mengapa Cornwall adalah salah satu bagian yang paling diinginkan di negara ini dan tujuan liburan yang ikonik tetapi juga salah satu negara termiskin di Inggris.
Simon Reeve returns to visit one of Britain’s favourite counties to discover what life is really like for the locals after the summer crowds have gone. Filmed as the energy and cost-of-living crisis began to take its toll, this is an eye-opening look at why Cornwall is one of the most desirable parts of the country and an iconic holiday destination but also one of the poorest counties in England.
Simon Reeve returns to visit one of Britain’s favourite counties to discover what life is really like for the locals after the summer crowds have gone. Filmed as the energy and cost-of-living crisis began to take its toll, this is an eye-opening look at why Cornwall is one of the most desirable parts of the country and an iconic holiday destination but also one of the poorest counties in England.
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