Someone Lives Here (2023)
75 Minm | Canada | Documentary | 2023-04-29
Menceritakan kisah David dan Goliat zaman modern di tengah krisis perumahan di Amerika Utara. Selama pandemi, Khaleel Seivwright, seorang tukang kayu muda asal Toronto, membangun tempat perlindungan yang menyelamatkan nyawa bagi orang-orang yang tidak memiliki rumah yang menghadapi musim dingin di luar. Tindakannya menarik perhatian internasional namun juga mendapat tentangan keras dari pemerintah kota, menggambarkan narasi yang menarik dengan latar belakang tantangan masyarakat dan penolakan pemerintah.
Chronicles the modern-day David and Goliath tale amidst North America's housing crisis. During the pandemic, Khaleel Seivwright, a young Toronto carpenter, builds life-saving shelters for unhoused people facing the winter outside. His actions attracted international acclaim but also staunch opposition from the city government, portraying a compelling narrative set against the backdrop of societal challenges and governmental resistance.
Chronicles the modern-day David and Goliath tale amidst North America's housing crisis. During the pandemic, Khaleel Seivwright, a young Toronto carpenter, builds life-saving shelters for unhoused people facing the winter outside. His actions attracted international acclaim but also staunch opposition from the city government, portraying a compelling narrative set against the backdrop of societal challenges and governmental resistance.
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