Sorry/Not Sorry (2024)
90 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2024-07-12
Penampilan di dalam pada kejatuhan publik Louis C.K. dan mengejutkan kembali ke panggung. Menampilkan wawancara dengan tiga wanita - Jen Kirkman, Abby Schachner, dan Megan Koester - yang berbicara tentang pelanggaran seksualnya, jurnalis New York Times yang melanggar cerita, dan sesama komedian dan penulis seperti Michael Ian Black, Michael Schur, dan Aida Rodriguez. Mengundang pemirsa untuk mempertanyakan kisah siapa dan seninya yang kita hargai, dan berapa biayanya. Produksi New York Times.
An inside look at Louis C.K.’s public downfall and surprising return to the stage. Featuring interviews with three women -- Jen Kirkman, Abby Schachner, and Megan Koester -- who spoke up about his sexual misconduct, New York Times journalists who broke the story, and fellow comedians and writers such as Michael Ian Black, Michael Schur, and Aida Rodriguez. Invites viewers to question whose stories and whose art we value, and at what cost. A New York Times production.
An inside look at Louis C.K.’s public downfall and surprising return to the stage. Featuring interviews with three women -- Jen Kirkman, Abby Schachner, and Megan Koester -- who spoke up about his sexual misconduct, New York Times journalists who broke the story, and fellow comedians and writers such as Michael Ian Black, Michael Schur, and Aida Rodriguez. Invites viewers to question whose stories and whose art we value, and at what cost. A New York Times production.
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