Sound of the Police (2023)
85 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-08-11
Film dokumenter ini mengkaji hubungan yang rumit antara orang Amerika keturunan Afrika dan polisi, yang sering kali dipenuhi dengan ketegangan, ketakutan, kecurigaan, dan permusuhan dari semua pihak. Dibingkai oleh beberapa konflik terbaru antara warga kulit hitam Amerika dan petugas polisi, yang menarik perhatian media nasional, film ini menelusuri sejarah rasial kompleks di negara tersebut yang membuka jalan bagi kepolisian di komunitas kulit hitam dan memicu konflik yang sedang berlangsung antara komunitas Afrika-Amerika dan penegak hukum. .
This documentary examines the fraught relationship between African Americans and the police, often rife with tension, fear, suspicion and hostility on all sides. Framed by some of the most recent conflicts between Black Americans and police officers, which garnered national media attention, the film traces the country’s complex racial history that set the path for policing in Black communities and fuels the ongoing conflict between African American communities and law enforcement.
This documentary examines the fraught relationship between African Americans and the police, often rife with tension, fear, suspicion and hostility on all sides. Framed by some of the most recent conflicts between Black Americans and police officers, which garnered national media attention, the film traces the country’s complex racial history that set the path for policing in Black communities and fuels the ongoing conflict between African American communities and law enforcement.
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