South to Black Power (2023)
89 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-11-28
Dalam bukunya yang provokatif pada tahun 2021, The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto, kolumnis opini New York Times, Charles M. Blow, menyerukan “migrasi besar-besaran terbalik” terhadap orang-orang Afrika-Amerika dari Utara kembali ke Selatan untuk mengubah struktur kekuasaan politik saat ini. merebut kembali tanah dan budaya yang mereka tinggalkan. South to Black Power tidak hanya menggambarkan ide-ide mencerahkan Blow; kita menelusuri kisah pribadi Blow, dari masa kecilnya di Louisiana hingga perannya sebagai ayah bagi anak-anak dewasa muda di New York City, menunjukkan kepada kita kebenaran yang diperoleh dengan susah payah di balik visinya untuk masa depan.
In his provocative 2021 book, The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto, New York Times opinion columnist Charles M. Blow calls for a “reverse Great Migration” of African Americans from the North back to the South to upend today’s political power structures while reclaiming the land and culture they left behind. South to Black Power does more than illustrate Blow’s enlightening ideas; we journey through Blow’s personal story, from his childhood in Louisiana to his role as father to young adult children in New York City, showing us the hard-won truths behind his vision for the future.
In his provocative 2021 book, The Devil You Know: A Black Power Manifesto, New York Times opinion columnist Charles M. Blow calls for a “reverse Great Migration” of African Americans from the North back to the South to upend today’s political power structures while reclaiming the land and culture they left behind. South to Black Power does more than illustrate Blow’s enlightening ideas; we journey through Blow’s personal story, from his childhood in Louisiana to his role as father to young adult children in New York City, showing us the hard-won truths behind his vision for the future.
Directors: Sam Pollard, Llewellyn M Smith
Writer: Charles M Blow
Starring: Charles M Blow, Stacey Abrams, Janean Armstrong
Writer: Charles M Blow
Starring: Charles M Blow, Stacey Abrams, Janean Armstrong
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