Supersized Sharks (2024)
45 Minm | | Documentary | 2024-06-30
Pulau Norfolk, 800 mil lepas pantai Australia, adalah rumah bagi beberapa hiu macan terbesar di dunia. Meski terdengar aneh, ada yang berpendapat bahwa pulau kecil di tengah Pasifik Selatan ini telah menjadi seperti kedai burger drive-thru bagi hiu macan untuk melahap daging. Untuk pertama kalinya, para ilmuwan berupaya menjawab mengapa ada begitu banyak harimau berukuran besar di sana. Ahli biologi hiu Lauren Meyers, Charlie Huveneers, dan Adam Barnett memikat para raksasa ke perahu mereka untuk menyelidiki dan membuat penemuan mengejutkan.
Norfolk Island, 800 miles off the coast of Australia, is home to some of the largest tiger sharks in the world. As strange as it sounds, some think this small island in the middle of the South Pacific has become like a drive-thru burger joint for tiger sharks to gorge on meat. For the first time, scientists are diving in to answer why there are so many huge tigers there. Shark biologists Lauren Meyers, Charlie Huveneers and Adam Barnett lure the giants to their boat to investigate and make a surprising discovery.
Norfolk Island, 800 miles off the coast of Australia, is home to some of the largest tiger sharks in the world. As strange as it sounds, some think this small island in the middle of the South Pacific has become like a drive-thru burger joint for tiger sharks to gorge on meat. For the first time, scientists are diving in to answer why there are so many huge tigers there. Shark biologists Lauren Meyers, Charlie Huveneers and Adam Barnett lure the giants to their boat to investigate and make a surprising discovery.
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