Taxibol (2023)
49 Minm | Italy | Documentary | 2023-04-25
Berkendara di sekitar jalanan Kuba, Lav Diaz - Direktur Filipina yang terkenal - dan Gustavo Flecha - seorang sopir taksi Kuba yang banyak bicara - menemukan diri mereka membahas tentang politik, migrasi, kondisi sosial dan cinta; Menyentuh banyak cerita dan pengalaman pribadi, mereka menciptakan affresco historis dari kondisi negara mereka sendiri.
Driving around the streets of Cuba, Lav Diaz – the famous Filipino director – and Gustavo Flecha - a talkative Cuban taxi driver – find themselves discussing about politics, migration, social conditions and love; touching many personal stories and experiences, they create an historical affresco of the conditions of their own countries.
Driving around the streets of Cuba, Lav Diaz – the famous Filipino director – and Gustavo Flecha - a talkative Cuban taxi driver – find themselves discussing about politics, migration, social conditions and love; touching many personal stories and experiences, they create an historical affresco of the conditions of their own countries.
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