The Big Payback (2022)
88 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2022-06-11
Didanai oleh pajak ganja, Evanston, IL, mengalokasikan $10 juta untuk memberikan kompensasi kepada keturunan Afrika yang diperbudak selama 400 tahun kerja tidak dibayar. Alderwoman Simmons memimpin konstituennya melalui kampanye bersejarah untuk reparasi bagi kaum Kulit Hitam...
Funded by a tax on cannabis, Evanston, IL, earmarked $10 million to compensate descendants of enslaved Africans for 400 years of unpaid labor. Alderwoman Simmons leads her constituents through this historic campaign for reparations for the Black c...
Funded by a tax on cannabis, Evanston, IL, earmarked $10 million to compensate descendants of enslaved Africans for 400 years of unpaid labor. Alderwoman Simmons leads her constituents through this historic campaign for reparations for the Black c...
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