The Cape (2023)
78 Minm | Australia | Documentary | 2023-06-09
Di hutan belantara Cape York, Australia yang luas dan jarang dipahami, para pemburu kekayaan bersembunyi di antara hutan bakau dan buaya, berusaha untuk mengubah hukum alam kuno sesuai keinginan mereka. Ketika seorang anak laki-laki berusia sepuluh tahun dan ayahnya menghilang saat memeriksa jaring hiu mereka, hal itu mengungkap aliansi dinasti antara klan nelayan yang perkasa. Seorang ibu dan anak laki-laki dituduh melakukan pembunuhan dan cinta segitiga yang menjadi sangat tidak beres menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang rasa bersalah dan keterlibatan yang jauh melampaui dugaan para pembunuh.
In the vast, little-understood wilderness of Australia’s Cape York, fortune-hunters hide amongst the mangroves and the crocs, seeking to bend the ancient laws of nature to their will. When a ten-year-old boy and his father vanish while checking their shark nets, it unravels a dynastic alliance between mighty fishing clans. A mother and son are accused of murder and a love triangle gone horribly wrong raises questions of guilt and complicity that ripple out far beyond the alleged killers.
In the vast, little-understood wilderness of Australia’s Cape York, fortune-hunters hide amongst the mangroves and the crocs, seeking to bend the ancient laws of nature to their will. When a ten-year-old boy and his father vanish while checking their shark nets, it unravels a dynastic alliance between mighty fishing clans. A mother and son are accused of murder and a love triangle gone horribly wrong raises questions of guilt and complicity that ripple out far beyond the alleged killers.
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