The Hitler Home Movies (2023)
39 Minm | | Documentary | 2023-01-13
Terpencil jauh di Pegunungan Alpen Bavaria, Hitler, keluarganya, dan sekutu terdekatnya bersembunyi - mengeluarkan perintah untuk tentara di seluruh Eropa sementara mereka bersantai, makan, dan menikmati kedamaian di dunia lain.
Secluded deep in the Bavarian Alps, Hitler, his family, and closest allies hid away- issuing orders for armies across Europe while they relaxed, dined, and enjoyed an otherworldly peace.
Secluded deep in the Bavarian Alps, Hitler, his family, and closest allies hid away- issuing orders for armies across Europe while they relaxed, dined, and enjoyed an otherworldly peace.
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