The Magical World of Moss (2023)
53 Minm | | Documentary | 2023-01-21
Tumbuhan ini tidak memiliki akar, biji, dan bunga, namun lumut menunjukkan kemampuan bertahan hidup yang sangat besar dan dapat menghentikan aktivitas biologisnya dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Saat ini, para peneliti sedang mengeksplorasi resistensi luar biasa dari organisme kuno ini. Ahli ekologi Inggris bahkan telah menghidupkan kembali lumut "zombie" yang telah terperangkap di lapisan es selama 1.500 tahun. Terkait dengan pembusukan dan tidak disukai di Eropa, lumut didewakan di Jepang. Dengan 25.000 spesies di seluruh dunia, lumut – nama ilmiahnya – adalah pusat ekosistem nyata, dan dapat berkembang di lanskap yang tidak ramah, melalui siklus reproduksi yang luar biasa.
They have no roots, no seeds, no flowers, but mosses show immense survival capacities and can suspend their biological activity for long periods. Today, researchers are exploring the exceptional resistance of these archaic organisms. British ecologists have even resurrected a "zombie" moss that has been trapped in the permafrost for 1,500 years. Associated with decay and disliked in Europe, mosses are deified in Japan. With 25,000 species worldwide, bryophytes - their scientific name - are the seat of real ecosystems, and can develop in inhospitable landscapes, through an extravagant reproduction cycle.
They have no roots, no seeds, no flowers, but mosses show immense survival capacities and can suspend their biological activity for long periods. Today, researchers are exploring the exceptional resistance of these archaic organisms. British ecologists have even resurrected a "zombie" moss that has been trapped in the permafrost for 1,500 years. Associated with decay and disliked in Europe, mosses are deified in Japan. With 25,000 species worldwide, bryophytes - their scientific name - are the seat of real ecosystems, and can develop in inhospitable landscapes, through an extravagant reproduction cycle.
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