The Pope: Answers (2023)
83 Minm | Spain | Documentary | 2023-04-05
Sepuluh orang muda dari seluruh dunia bertemu di Roma dengan Paus Fransiskus dengan tujuan untuk berbicara dan menyampaikan kepadanya keprihatinan utama generasi mereka. Yang menanti mereka adalah pertemuan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, percakapan tatap muka, dan peristiwa unik.
Ten young people from all over the world meet in Rome with Pope Francis with the aim of talking and conveying to him the main concerns of their generation. What awaits them is an unprecedented meeting, a face-to-face conversation, and a unique event.
Ten young people from all over the world meet in Rome with Pope Francis with the aim of talking and conveying to him the main concerns of their generation. What awaits them is an unprecedented meeting, a face-to-face conversation, and a unique event.
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