The Subtle Art of Not Giving a #@%! (2023)
97 Minm | New Zealand, United States of America, United Kingdom | Documentary | 2023-01-04
Mark Manson berusaha keras untuk menawarkan filosofinya yang tidak memberi-a-f*ck: dosis kejujuran yang mentah, menyegarkan, yang menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana menjalani kehidupan yang lebih puas dan membumi.
Mark Manson cuts through the crap to offer his not-giving-a-f*ck philosophy: a dose of raw, refreshing, honesty that shows us how to live more contented, grounded lives.
Mark Manson cuts through the crap to offer his not-giving-a-f*ck philosophy: a dose of raw, refreshing, honesty that shows us how to live more contented, grounded lives.
Directors: Nathan Price
Writer: Nathan Price, Mark Manson, Tom Blackwell
Starring: Mark Manson, Jackson Bliss, Tane WilliamsAccra
Writer: Nathan Price, Mark Manson, Tom Blackwell
Starring: Mark Manson, Jackson Bliss, Tane WilliamsAccra
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