Time Bomb Y2K (2023)
81 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-03-03
Ketika jam dihitung hingga abad ke-21, dunia menghadapi potensi bencana teknologi: bug yang dapat menyebabkan komputer salah menafsirkan tahun 2000 sebagai tahun 1900. Dibuat sepenuhnya dari rekaman arsip dan menampilkan akun tangan pertama dari para pakar komputer, para penyintas, para cendekiawan, kelompok-kelompok yang humois, para Kristen konservatif, dan ikon pop, waktu bom Y2k Y2k adalah hal-hal yang humori, dan pop-humories, dan pop-nica, dan pop-non-pop-n adalah bom, dan populer, dan pop-non-humories, dan pop-nega, dan pop-n adalah bom, dan pop-non-humor, dan pop-nega, dan pop-n adalah bom, dan pop-non-humor, dan pop-nega, dan pop-n adalah bom mulale, dan pop-nexiilys.
As the clock counted down to the the 21st century, the world faced a potential technological disaster: a bug that could cause computers to misinterpret the year 2000 as 1900. Crafted entirely from archival footage and featuring first-hand accounts from computer experts, survivalists, scholars, militia groups, conservative Christians, and pop icons, Time Bomb Y2K is a prescient and often humorous tale about the power and vulnerabilities of technology.
As the clock counted down to the the 21st century, the world faced a potential technological disaster: a bug that could cause computers to misinterpret the year 2000 as 1900. Crafted entirely from archival footage and featuring first-hand accounts from computer experts, survivalists, scholars, militia groups, conservative Christians, and pop icons, Time Bomb Y2K is a prescient and often humorous tale about the power and vulnerabilities of technology.
Directors: Brian Becker, Marley McDonald
Starring: Peter de Jager, John Koskinen, Jeff Bezos
Starring: Peter de Jager, John Koskinen, Jeff Bezos
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