Tom Cruise: The Last Movie Star (2023)
75 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary | 2023-07-28
Tom Cruise - aktor, produser, pemberani. Wajah Hollywood di tahun 1980-an, setelah kemerosotan kariernya di pertengahan, masa depannya tampak diragukan. Namun melalui komitmennya yang tunggal untuk menghibur penonton di seluruh dunia, ia telah mempertaruhkan nyawa dan anggota tubuhnya serta berjuang untuk kembali ke puncak. Dalam dunia hiburan yang didominasi oleh pahlawan super dan franchise fantasi, dia berdiri sendiri… bintang film terakhir.
Tom Cruise - actor, producer, daredevil. The face of Hollywood in the 1980s, after a mid-career meltdown, his future looked in doubt. But through a single-minded commitment to entertaining audiences worldwide, he has risked life and limb and fought his way back to the very top. In an entertainment world dominated by superheroes and fantasy franchises, he stands alone… the last movie star.
Tom Cruise - actor, producer, daredevil. The face of Hollywood in the 1980s, after a mid-career meltdown, his future looked in doubt. But through a single-minded commitment to entertaining audiences worldwide, he has risked life and limb and fought his way back to the very top. In an entertainment world dominated by superheroes and fantasy franchises, he stands alone… the last movie star.
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