Victim/Suspect (2023)
90 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-05-19
Jurnalis investigasi Rae de Leon melakukan perjalanan ke seluruh negeri untuk mengungkap dan memeriksa pola yang mengejutkan: Wanita muda melaporkan kepada polisi bahwa mereka telah mengalami pelecehan seksual, namun bukannya mendapatkan keadilan, mereka malah dituduh melakukan kejahatan dengan membuat laporan palsu, ditangkap, dan bahkan dipenjara oleh sistem yang mereka yakini akan melindungi mereka.
Investigative journalist Rae de Leon travels nationwide to uncover and examine a shocking pattern: Young women tell the police they’ve been sexually assaulted, but instead of finding justice, they’re charged with the crime of making a false report, arrested, and even imprisoned by the system they believed would protect them.
Investigative journalist Rae de Leon travels nationwide to uncover and examine a shocking pattern: Young women tell the police they’ve been sexually assaulted, but instead of finding justice, they’re charged with the crime of making a false report, arrested, and even imprisoned by the system they believed would protect them.
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