White Nanny Black Child (2023)
80 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary | 2023-06-19
Antara tahun 1955 dan 1995, lebih dari 70.000 anak-anak Afrika Barat diasuh oleh warga kulit putih Inggris, dalam praktik yang dikenal sebagai ‘bertani’. Banyak orang kemudian harus hidup, seringkali dalam diam, dengan dampak jangka panjang dari kebijakan resmi yang kontroversial ini. Sembilan dari mereka yang diangkat dengan cara ini diundang ke retret lokakarya, di bawah bimbingan profesional, untuk mendiskusikan pengalaman mereka. Masing-masing secara bergiliran menggali masa lalu mereka, mengungkap kebingungan dan trauma menghadapi perubahan tersebut di usia muda. Bagi banyak orang, ini menandai pertama kalinya mereka mempunyai kesempatan untuk terhubung dengan orang-orang yang memiliki masa kecil yang sama. White Nanny Black Child menghadirkan meditasi pribadi, mengharukan, dan terkadang meresahkan tentang identitas, rasa memiliki, dan sifat keluarga.
Between 1955 and 1995, over 70,000 West African children were fostered by white Britons, in a practice known as ‘farming’. Many individuals then had to live, often in silence, with the long-lasting impact of this controversial official policy. Nine of those raised this way were invited to a workshop retreat, under professional guidance, to discuss their experiences. Each take turns delving into their past, revealing the confusion and trauma of dealing with such change at a young age. For many, this marks the first time they have had the opportunity to connect with people who have shared a similar childhood. White Nanny Black Child presents a personal, moving and sometimes unsettling meditation on identity, belonging and the nature of family.
Between 1955 and 1995, over 70,000 West African children were fostered by white Britons, in a practice known as ‘farming’. Many individuals then had to live, often in silence, with the long-lasting impact of this controversial official policy. Nine of those raised this way were invited to a workshop retreat, under professional guidance, to discuss their experiences. Each take turns delving into their past, revealing the confusion and trauma of dealing with such change at a young age. For many, this marks the first time they have had the opportunity to connect with people who have shared a similar childhood. White Nanny Black Child presents a personal, moving and sometimes unsettling meditation on identity, belonging and the nature of family.
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