X Trillion (2024)
68 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary | 2024-05-01
Sebuah perjalanan yang menjanjikan untuk mengubah tidak hanya kehidupan perempuan namun juga masa depan planet kita. X Trillion mengikuti empat belas wanita saat mereka berlayar sejauh 3.000 mil melintasi Samudra Pasifik Utara ke salah satu tempat paling terpencil di Bumi, namun juga lokasi akumulasi plastik laut terpadat – Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Sebuah kisah yang meneguhkan kehidupan , kisah optimis tentang petualangan, penemuan, sains, dan solidaritas.
A journey that promises to change not only the women's lives but the very future of our planet. X Trillion follows fourteen women as they sail a gruelling 3000 miles across the North Pacific Ocean to one of the most remote places on Earth, but also the location of the densest accumulation of ocean plastic – the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. A life-affirming, optimistic story of adventure, discovery, science and solidarity.
A journey that promises to change not only the women's lives but the very future of our planet. X Trillion follows fourteen women as they sail a gruelling 3000 miles across the North Pacific Ocean to one of the most remote places on Earth, but also the location of the densest accumulation of ocean plastic – the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. A life-affirming, optimistic story of adventure, discovery, science and solidarity.
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